Arriving by plane / train


Arriving by train

From the main-station you take the underground-line number 3, 7 or 9 direction Altwarmbüchen, Misburg or Fasanenkrug. After 4 stations you leave at station „Vier Grenzen“. Go in driving direction and then the first street Cranachstraße to the right. At the end of the street you go left to Walderseestraße and will find our hotel after 100 Meters on the left side.

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Arriving by plane

From the airport you take the S-Bahn number 5 to the main-station. From the main-station you take the underground-line number 3, 7 or 9 direction Altwarmbüchen, Misburg or Fasanenkrug. After 4 stations you leave at station „Vier Grenzen. Go in driving direction and then the first street Cranachstraße to the right. At the end of the street you go left to Walderseestraße and will find our hotel after 100 Meters on the left side.

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